Hostkit API Documentation

Our REST based API allow you to get access to the Hostkit application. On this page we explain you a little bit more detailed what you need for your usecase as a host.

Please contact us before you start coding. Tell us a few words about your ideas and plans. We are always happy to help our customers and partners to build the best integrated applications.

If you have any questions about our API, please feel free to open a ticket in our Helpdesk.

API Access

The access to the API is done by using the following URL:[Your_API_Key]

CURL components:

  1. The API endpoint shall be added after /api/
  2. The APIKEY parameter is mandatory
  3. API calls must be requested with GET
  4. Special characters need to be encoded

For enhanced security, API keys are property based, therefore must be generated and maintained in the "Properties" -> "API key" tab of each property. If you need a global API key, please contact us.

API Rate Limit

We have a rate limit of 100 requests per minute. If you need more, please contact us.

API Errors

The possible errors that our API may return are:

Missing parameter There is a mandatory parameter for SEF missing.
Incorrect format The format of one of the parameters is wrong.
Departure is before arrival Arrival date is earlier than departure date.
Parameter is invalid The parameter is not valid.
Parameter too long The parameter exceeded the maximum size.
SEF error Specific SEF error.
Reservation already exists The reservation you are trying to add/edit already exists.
Reservation not found The reservation you are trying to edit/delete doesn't exist.
Unknown reservation code The reservation code you are trying to obtain doesn't exist.
Guest already exists The guest you are trying to add already exists.
Guest not found The guest you are trying to edit/delete doesn't exist.
Invalid format for check-in/out Incorrect check-in/out date format, must be YYYY-MM-DD.
Invalid property ID for your user Specified property is not licensed to the API key user.
No APIKEY provided API key not specified.
Account expired Your Hostkit account license expired.
Invalid plan Your plan does not allow access to the API.
Incorrect APIKEY provided An incorrect API key has been specified.
Limit exceeded Requests rate limit exceeded.
Incorrect protocol Incorrect API protocol call.
Internal error Internal Hostkit error, please contact us.
Unknown error An unknown error has occurred.

API Endpoints


This endpoint returns the license expiration date.

curl "[Your_API_Key]"

	"plan": "Business", 
	"valid_until": "2022-01-04" 


This endpoint returns the details of a single property, given an ID.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&id=[Property_ID]"

	"owner": "[email protected]",
	"activated": "1",
	"id": "1",
	"address": "R. das Quintinhas, 7", 
	"property_name": "Quintinhas",
	"cp": "1000-000",
	"localidade": "LISBOA",
	"nif": "123456789",
	"seforder": "0",
	"sefcode": "10938247374",
	"lat": "38",
	"lon": "-9",
	"default_checkin": "15",
	"default_checkout": "12",
	"invoicing_nif": "123456789",
	"invoicing_name": "Gestão Lda", 
	"invoicing_email": "[email protected]", 
	"invoicing_phone": "+351928617112", 
	"invoicing_address": "Av. Republica, 36, 1o", 
	"codigo_al": "12345",
	"tmt": "2",
	"comm_email": "[email protected]", 
	"property_info":"PHAVG......[encoded base64]==", 
	"default_series": "2022",
	"default_product": "Alojamento"

Mandatory curl parameters:

id=[Property_ID] id=12345

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

account=[Account_Email] [email protected]


This endpoint returns similar data as getProperty but inside a list.

curl "[Your_API_Key]"

If you use a global API key, this parameter is mandatory:

account=[Account_Email] [email protected]


This endpoint returns the details of a booking. If the parameter get_archived=true is used it returns a booking that is archived.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"owner": "[email protected]", 
	"rcode": "25901",
	"apid": "1234",
	"room": "",
	"firstname": "Antonio",
	"lastname": "Ficelli",
	"email": "[email protected]", 
	"phone": "+39123456789",
	"flight": "TP821",
	"flight_time": "17:17",
	"arrival_by": "",
	"in_date": "1574255100",
	"out_date": "1574726400",
	"arrival": "1574208000",
	"departure": "1574726400",
	"pax": "1",
	"guest_data": [{
		"name": " Antonio Ficelli", 
		"document_type": "P", 
		"document_number": "JH191HA", 
		"document_country": "ITA", 
		"nationality": "ITA",
		"birthday": "1980-10-01",
		"arrival": "2022-11-20", 
		"departure": "2022-11-26", 
		"country": "ITA",
		"city": "Milano"
	"service_in": "", 
	"service_out": "", 
	"service_cleaning": "",
	"service_laundry": "",
	"service_transfer_arr": "", 
	"service_transfer_dep": "", 
	"service_notes": "", 
	"private_note": "", 
	"feedback": "",
	"sefdate": "0",
	"block_sef": "0",
	"provider": "external", 
	"received_amount": "90", 
	"host_commission": "0", 
	"shortlink": "", 
	"block_emails": "0"

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234

Optional curl parameters:

get_archived=[Archived_Reservation] get_archived=true


This endpoint returns similar data as getReservation but inside a list.

curl "[Your_API_Key]"

If you use a global API key, this parameter is mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234

Optional curl parameters:

get_archived=[Archived_Reservation] get_archived=true
from_date=[Checkin_Date] from_date=2023-05-10


curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]&first_name=[Guest_FirstName]&last_name=[Guest_LastName]&check_in=[ArrivalDate]&check_out=[ArrivalDate]&pax=[Nr_Guests]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK
first_name=[Guest_FirstName] first_name=Alana
last_name=[Guest_LastName] last_name=Bolsch
check_in=[ArrivalDate] check_in=2023-05-20 16:00
check_out=[ArrivalDate] check_out=2023-05-25 11:00
pax=[Nr_Guests] pax=2

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234

Optional curl parameters:

email=[Guest_Email] [email protected]
phone=[Guest_Phone] phone=00351123456789
received_amount=[Received_Amount] received_amount=1234.56
host_commission=[Channel_Commission] host_commission=123.45
cleaning_fee=[Cleaning_Fee_Amount] cleaning_fee=50
extra_fees=[Extra_Fees_Amount] extra_fees=10
city_tax=[City_Tax_Amount] city_tax=16
provider=[Channel_Name] provider=airbnb
reservation_date=[Date_Reservation] reservation_date=2023-05-10
flight=[Flight_Nr] flight=FR1234
flight_time=[Flight_Time] flight_time=13:10
arrival_by=[Arrival_Transport] arrival_by=Taxi
service_in=[Checkin_Service_User] [email protected]
service_out=[Checkout_Service_User] [email protected]
service_cleaning=[Cleaning_Service_User] [email protected]
service_laundry=[Laundry_Service_User] [email protected]
service_transfer_arr=[Trans_Arr_Service_User] [email protected]
service_transfer_dep=[Trans_Dep_Service_User] [email protected]


curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234

Optional curl parameters:

first_name=[Guest_FirstName] first_name=Alana
last_name=[Guest_LastName] last_name=Bolsch
check_in=[ArrivalDate] check_in=2023-05-20 16:00
check_out=[ArrivalDate] check_out=2023-05-25 11:00
pax=[Nr_Guests] pax=2
email=[Guest_Email] [email protected]
phone=[Guest_Phone] phone=00351123456789
received_amount=[Received_Amount] received_amount=1234.56
host_commission=[Channel_Commission] host_commission=123.45
cleaning_fee=[Cleaning_Fee_Amount] cleaning_fee=50
extra_fees=[Extra_Fees_Amount] extra_fees=50
city_tax=[City_Tax_Amount] city_tax=16
provider=[Channel_Name] provider=airbnb
flight=[Flight_Nr] flight=FR1234
flight_time=[Flight_Time] flight_time=13:10
arrival_by=[Arrival_Transport] arrival_by=Taxi
service_in=[Checkin_Service_User] [email protected]
service_out=[Checkout_Service_User] [email protected]
service_cleaning=[Cleaning_Service_User] [email protected]
service_laundry=[Laundry_Service_User] [email protected]
service_transfer_arr=[TrArr_Service_User] [email protected]
service_transfer_dep=[TrDep_Service_User] [email protected]


This endpoint moves a specific reservation to our cancelations table.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234


This endpoint deletes a specific reservation.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234


This endpoint gets the link and filling status of the online check-in.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"shortlink": "",		 
	"status": "done" // empty otherwise

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK


This endpoint gets the keycode or invite code of smartlocks.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]&provider=[Provider]"

	"keycode": "1234" // otherwise keycode not found

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK
provider=[Provider] provider=nuki (nuki, homeit or ttlock)


This endpoint returns the all invoices OR a single invoice, as a list.

curl "[Your_API_Key]"

	"series": "2023",
	"id": "10",
	"nif": "123456789", 
	"name": "John Smith", 
	"address": "",
	"value": "1.44",
	"date": "1620644915", 
	"closed": "0",
	"rcode": "A8J2H8A", 
	"partial": true,
	"notes": "Paid in cash",
	"invoice_token": "dXNlcm5hbWU9aGZjYW5kZWlhc0BnbWFpbC5jb20",
	"invoice_url": ""

Optional curl parameters:

id=[Invoice_ID] id=1234
series=[Invoice_Series] series=2023
invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890
customer_id=[Invoice_Customer_ID] customer_id=123456789
date_start=[Invoice_Date_Start_UnixTimeStamp] date_start=1730000000
date_end=[Invoice_Date_End_UnixTimeStamp] date_end=1731000000


This endpoint returns a list of all the invoices for a given reservation. Can be one (full invoice) or a set of partial invoices.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"series": "2022",
	"id": "9",
	"nif": "123456789",
	"name": "Melanie Johnson", 
	"address": "",
	"value": "129.06",
	"date": "1620641390", 
	"closed": "1",
	"rcode": "1BVD4R",
	"partial": true,
	"notes": "",
	"invoice_token": "dXNlcm5hbWU9aGZjYW5kZWlhc0BnbWFpbC5jb20",
	"invoice_url": ""

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234

Optional curl parameters:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890


This endpoint allows to create a new invoice. The invoice cannot be created if the previous one has not yet been closed.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&series=[Invoice_Series_ID]&customer_id[Customer_ID]&name=[Invoice_Recipient_Name]&country=[Country_ICAO_Code]"

	"status": "success",
	"id": "[Invoice_ID]"

Mandatory curl parameters:

series=[Invoice_Series_ID] series=AL2023
customer_id=[Customer_ID] customer_id=HA19837264
name=[Invoice_Recipient_Name] name=Alana Bolsch
country=[Country_ICAO_Code] country=FRA

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890

Optional curl parameters:

address=[Invoice_Recipient_Address] address=Rua do Exemplo 10
cp=[Invoice_Recipient_ZIP] cp=12345-678
city=[Invoice_Recipient] city=Lisboa
rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK
payment_method=[Payment_Method] payment_method=TB
comment=[Invoice_Comment] comment=My%20special%20comment

Please find all available payment methods here.


This endpoint allows to create a new invoice line in an existing invoice.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&series=[Invoice_Series_ID]&id=[Invoice_ID]&product_id=[Invoice_Line_Product_ID]&custom_descr=[Invoice_Line_Description]&qty=[Invoice_Line_Quantity]&price=[Invoice_Line_Price]&discount=[Invoice_Line_Discount]&vat=[Invoice_Line_VAT]&reason_code=[Invoice_Line_Exemption_Code]"

	"status": "success",
	"line": "[Invoice_Line_ID]"

Mandatory curl parameters:

series=[Invoice_Series_ID] series=AL2023
id=[Invoice_ID] id=35
product_id=[Invoice_Line_Product_ID] product_id=AL
custom_descr=[Invoice_Line_Description] custom_descr=Alojamento Local
qty=[Invoice_Line_Quantity] qty=1
price=[Invoice_Line_Price] price=1234.56
discount=[Invoice_Line_Discount] discount=0 (int)
vat=[Invoice_Line_VAT] vat=6 (int)
reason_code=[Invoice_Line_Exemption_Code] only if VAT is 0. M99 (non-taxed), M10 (VAT exempt), otherwise empty

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890

Optional curl parameters:

type=[Invoice_Line_Product_Type] type=S (S = Service, P = Product, I = Tax)
region=[Invoice_Line_Product_Region] region=PT (PT = Mainland, PT-MA = Madeira, PT-AC = Azores)

If product ID doesn't exist, we will create it in the respective invoicing account. During creation, if type and region are not available, default will be S for type and PT for region.

Please find all available reason codes, types and regions here.


This endpoint closes a specific invoice.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&series=[Invoice_Series_ID]&id=[Invoice_ID]"

	"status": "success",
	"invoice_token": "dXNlcm5hbWU9aGZjYW5kZWlhc0BnbWFpbC5jb20",
	"invoice_url": ""

Mandatory curl parameters:

series=[Invoice_Series_ID] series=AL2023
id=[Invoice_ID] id=35

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890


This endpoint deletes a specific invoice. Invoice CANNOT be closed.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&series=[Invoice_Series_ID]&id=[Invoice_ID]"

	"status": "success"

Mandatory curl parameters:

series=[Invoice_Series_ID] series=AL2023
id=[Invoice_ID] id=35

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890


This endpoint returns the all credit notes as a list.

curl "[Your_API_Key]"

	"series": "2022",
	"id": "9",
	"nif": "123456789",
	"name": "Melanie Johnson", 
	"address": "",
	"value": "129.06",
	"date": "1620641390", 
	"reason": "",
	"refseries": "2022",
	"refid": "10",
	"credit_note_url": ""

If you use a global API key, this parameter is mandatory:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890

Optional curl parameters:

series=[Invoice_Series_ID] series=AL2023
id=[Invoice_ID] id=35


This endpoint allows to create a credit note based on an EXISTING CLOSED invoice.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&refseries=[Invoice_Series_ID]&refid=[Invoice_ID]"

	"status": "success",
	"id": "[Credit_Note_ID]"

Mandatory curl parameters:

refseries=[Invoice_Series_ID] refseries=INVMD
refid=[Invoice_ID] refid=737

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890


This endpoint allows to generate a SAFT based on an EXISTING invoicing account.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID]&year=[Year]&month=[Month]"

	"status": "success"

Mandatory curl parameters:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890
year=[Year] year=2024
month=[Month] month=08


This endpoint allows to get a SAFT from an EXISTING invoicing account. SAFT content output is in base64.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID]&year=[Year]&month=[Month]"

	"generated": "2024-08-16 10:00:00",
	"sent": "2024-08-16 10:00:01",
	"saft": "PD94bWwgdmVyc..."

Mandatory curl parameters:

invoicing_nif=[Invoicing_VAT_ID] invoicing_nif=234567890
year=[Year] year=2024
month=[Month] month=08


This endpoint receives data to be sent to SEF and validates it by returning "OK" if all data is correctly formatted.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK


This endpoint performs the validation described above and, if everything is correct,triggers the submission of the SEF bulletin within a specific reservation.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234


This endpoint returns the date and time of the last successfully submitted bulletin to SEF in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

curl "[Your_API_Key]"

	"sefdate": "2023-05-22 10:00:00" 


This endpoint adds a single guest data to a specific reservation.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]&arrival=[Arrival_Date]&departure=[Departure_Date]&first_name=[Guest_FirstName]&last_name=[Guest_LastName]&nationality=[Guest_Nacionality]&birthday=[Guest_Birthdate]&doc_id=[Guest_Document_Nr]&doc_type=[Guest_Document_Type]&doc_country=[Guest_Document_Country]&country_residence=[Guest_Country]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK
arrival=[Arrival_Date] arrival=2023-05-20
departure=[Departure_Date] departure=2023-05-25
first_name=[Guest_FirstName] first_name=Alana (max. 40 chars)
last_name=[Guest_LastName] last_name=Bolsch (max. 40 chars)
nationality=[Guest_Nacionality_ICAO] nationality=FRA
birthday=[Guest_Birthdate] birthday=1990-12-01
doc_id=[Guest_Document_Nr] doc_id=123456789 (max. 16 chars)
doc_type=[Guest_Document_Type] doc_type=P (P for Passport; ID for ID Card; O for Other)
doc_country=[Guest_Document_Country_ICAO] doc_country=FRA
country_residence=[Guest_Country_ICAO] country_residence=FRA

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234


This endpoint removes a single guest data in a specific reservation.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]&name=[Guest_First_or_Last_Name]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK
name=[Guest_First_or_Last_Name] name=Alana

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234


This endpoint removes all guests data in a specific reservation.

curl "[Your_API_Key]&rcode=[Reservation_Code]"

	"status": "success" 

Mandatory curl parameters:

rcode=[Reservation_Code] rcode=HMK71DA91ALK

If you use a global API key, this parameter is also mandatory:

apid=[Property_ID] apid=1234

API Changelog

CW43 2024: Updated endpoint getInvoices with new customer ID and date filters.

CW33 2024: New endpoints to generate and get SAFTs were created, generateSAFT and getSAFT.

CW19 2024: New endpoint to get smartlocks keycodes was created, getKeycode.

CW7 2024: New endpoint to get the status of online check-in was created, getOnlineCheckin.

CW2 2024: New endpoint to cancel reservations was created, cancelReservation.

CW47 2023: Implemented payment_method in endpoint addInvoice.

CW46 2023: Implemented invoice URL in endpoint closeInvoice.

CW44 2023: Implemented comment in endpoint addInvoice.

CW43 2023: Implemented a rate limit of 100 requests per each 10 seconds.

CW33 2023: New endpoint to update single reservation was created, updateReservation.

CW29 2023: Implemented invoice URL in endpoints getInvoices and getReservationInvoices.

CW22 2023: New endpoints for credit notes generation have been created, getCreditNotes and addCreditNote.

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